Isnin, 20 April 2009


CENTS Flowthrough (2006)

One set of CENTS-RAS are shown above (2008)

A commercial CENTS-Flowthrough run by famers at
Kg. Kuala Semerak, Kelantan

New Version of CENT RAS- HDPE (2008)

At beginning, CENTS is consist of cement culvert, pumped sea water 24 hours. Than, in 2008 we start to developed RAS concept which is recirculate or to reused back seawater after treat with a special and economic biofilter. So, the CENTS RAS should consist of effective biofilter. The points here is, biofilter is the heart of RAS system. Failed the biofilter system will collaspe all the cultured or nursed fry. At that reasons, we are more focus on how we could developed a economic filteration system.

After some innovation we introduced to the system, we realize that, to made filteration is more effective, all the uneaten feed and feces should descriminate out before water treat in the biological filteration. than we come out with simple device, what we call it, ..... Cents Waste Trap.

Cents Waste Trap

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Where you can see Cents Flowthrough and CENTS RAS ?